Welcome to the Independent SLYSA Team 2020-2021 Registration FINAL STEP.


Please read all of the below instructions prior to starting your player/coach registration.


Please note that Missouri Youth Soccer Association has changed registration systems.  All current and former players will be required to complete a new player registration for the 2020-2021 season.


Player registration:

At the time of registration parents will need to upload the following:


  • Birth Certificate of the Player (Note: only a state or foreign country* issued certificate will be accepted)
  • Head shot photo

*If a player is born outside of the United States they will need to obtain an International Clearance form found at: https://www.ussoccer.com/federation-services/international-clearance


Coach registration:

At the time of registration coaches will need to upload the following:


  • Head shot photo

NOTE: Neither player nor coach registration can be completed without including the require documents listed above.


Click the REGISTRATION button above to continue.


USYS Code of Conduct